Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Yiddisheh "Wisdom" From My Father...

Some outlooks on life:

"The Reform movement started in Germany= and that's where the holocaust happened"

"Because they said that even god can not sink the titanic= god proved them wrong"

"He said he wanted to marry a "Modern" girl= now god showed him and he has marriage problems"


e said...

thank god i'm an atheist.

kisarita said...

a teacher of mine in BY:

some girls think they can UHHM violate halacha.... and then they think that their entitled for hashem to give them sholom bayis!!!
One of my students, her chussun told her it was mutar for him to touch her through a cloth, rachmana litzlan....

Garnel Ironheart said...

The world is far more complicated that simplistic slogans. A person's inability to understand that doesn't change how things work.

Lars Shalom said...
