Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti & the Krankeh Shliach

"So, why does god do such a thing to people in Haiti????" asks the Shliach while focusing only on the mens section, "it is to reaffirm the faith the Jewish people have in him because we don't understand why god does such things" he then adds, "but we have to believe in god enough so that he shouldn’t have to do thing like this"



David said...

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. If god plays such evil games, I want nothing to do with him.

e said...

true story? oy. Thank God, I managed to avoid taking too many trips to shul during this vacation.

Frum No More said...

lol- true story, almost word for word.

I should email him though just to make sure he knew what the hell he was saying.

G*3 said...

What a great bit of convoluted logic.