Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Sunday afternoon…. Sitting in an outdoor restaurant on the water... so relaxed... my friend actually paid for the meal - corn beef with hot melted cheese! This is the first time that I have actual traif in front of me, for me… I sat there not totally sure if I should go for it... should I cross that “line”… as usual when I am faced with such decisions I look back at the horrible negativities of the frum world and I realize that this is what it takes…. I picked up the soft (non yoshon lol) bread and I took a bite.... awesome! The traif corn beef with the melted cheese tasted really good.

Traif is good because;
A. it's cheaper then kosher
B. It tastes good
C. It helps you get rid of the last shemetz of Yiddishkait and especially that sickness called Chassidishkait.

On the other side of the coin, my Neilah Davening made two ppl cry..... Sukkos is coming up and honestly, I miss the Rebbe.... every year on Simchas Torah I become very nostalgic for the Rebbe....

I am in college now which is AWESOME. Simply put, college is a place were one can pursue education. For the first time in my life I realized that education can actually be an enjoyable thing. This is in stark contrast to Yeshivah which is not only a horrible waste of time but literally takes life out of people.


e said...

You haven't had real basar b'chalav until you cook kosher meat with milk. Nu, s'iz shver tzu zein an emesn shegetz.

Frum No More said...

I already did that on tishbav. If you hold with the shita of tatah gavar then I ate real bosor bcholov I'yh becouse the hot kosher meat cooked the cold cheese I put on top.

Der Shygetz said...


Ah, so you were the chazzan by the Admou"r meCreedmoor for Neila/Tashlich at the end of Rosh Hashanah! You were great! They did not need to call an exterminator because you chased all the rats away!

e said...

shagetz: is this how we're going to bring back a wayward jew? With insults and sarcasm? Where are the chevlei avosos ahava?

Der Shygetz said...


I do not want this guy back until he is ready to come back, and if he isn't, oh, well. His loss more than anything.

I want the mispalelim who came to a Chabad davening to get what the Rebbe wants them to get and what halacha demands that they get.

And don't give me any crap about what YOU think the Rebbe wants. The Rebbe may have welcomed everyone but no one was more makpid on standards than he was and is.

Some of his more recent shluchim are another story, as are the pick and choose members of the Chabad social scene (NOT chassidim by any means) today.

C said...

I find it ironic how you want to ger "rid of the last shemetz of Yiddishkait" yet you use such Yiddish words.

Also what you do in your private life is your issue, but you should not be chazan. That's just wrong.

kisarita said...

Der Shygetz,
He is going to come back, And maybe lead the rest of us a logn
The question is, come back to where?
Probably not to where you and your community are... you guys can stay stuck. He will come back to a stronger, truer yiddishkeit. Maybe even create it. Maybe even lead the rest of us there.

Upper West Side Mom said...

I just read a bit of your blog. I have found that many people who come from an ultra-Orthodox back ground think that everything is black or white. Either you are an ultra-Orthodox chumrah machine or you are nothing.

You don't have to be a Chassid to be involved in Jewish life. Though some like to think that Modern Orthodoxy is nothing but a compromise others think that it is a way to balance the many things that Hashem has created. It does not have to be a choice between all and nothing.

Baal Habos said...

>non yoshon

Rachmono Litzlan.

Anonymous said...

Hey man, it seems you have some demons that really need to get out!

While neither encouraging or discouraging purposefully doing what YOU call 'Aveiros', it might be healthier and more beneficial for the long term to simply live your life, do whatever you want, but not with this attitude of 'i'm eating treif mamash to stick it to the man'.

You are simply being a davkanik, which may be temporarily liberating, but ultimately every bit as 'dogmatic' and formulated as the environment you have 'liberated' yourself from.

Just enjoy life man. If it's in line with Judaism or not is irrelevant at this point. But doing things b'davka or l'hachis doesnt seem to me to be the path to freedom..

Anonymous said...

Sholem Alechem Sammy