Thursday, March 12, 2009

I saw Brooklyn College, I "saw" my future...

I moved out of my neighborhood, thank G-D! (or Darwin, whatever lol). I was walking around the streets of Flatbush looking for a quiet place to study my GED. I called up my friend (this friend actually moved AWAY from Flatbush while I moved away TO Flatbush) to find a place that is quiet. She directed me to a Starbucks near Brooklyn College.

For some reason I always imagined Brooklyn College to be some run down place, or a collection of old buildings that have small classes etc.

As I walked through the entrance to the college I was overwhelmed and awed! The place was beautiful! I was so taken by the imposing buildings, the neatly cut grass, the smell, the people walking briskly to and fro, on their to study and acquire knowledge. as I was experiencing this, I also "smelled" the Mivtzoim (outreach) that I used to on campus for Chabadback in the day....

The last time I was at a campus I was actually stopping people to asking them to shake Lulav and Esrog. Ochol hamoed Sukkos, instead of Godforbid having anytime for myself, I worked for four days straight, standing for hours at a time, getting people to do the mitzvoh of the 4 minim. On a side note, the Shliach I was staying at forgot to serve full meals to me and my friend, we also had crickets in our room! I shouldn't really complain, we were there for a Shlichus, and in Russia people died so I guess that makes it all good....

Anyway, I see my future. I am studying my GED as hardest as I can, I will get a great mark, and I will hopefully, please GOD (or intelligent design) be in college by September. I will be soaking up the knowledge and making up for my lost years of work that went towards the cause.